
Petroleum Bulk Storage Compliance
PBS Compliance Inspection Program
Our certified Petroleum Compliance Consultant will consistently keep your PBS facility up to date on the latest DEC Regulations. We offer annual, semi-annual, quarterly, monthly, and weekly inspections of a facility which include:
Site Auditing
State-of-the-art Tank Line Monitoring
Tank Tightness Testing
Leaking Tank Remediation
Tank Cleaning
Discounted Rates on Emergency Spill Response
DEC Notice of Violation Correction
When a PBS Facility is found to be incompliant with DEC regulations they will be issued a NOV. This document describes your violations, provides a time-frame for correction, and specifies the documents needed to demonstrate compliance. Failure to correct can lead a facility to face fines up to $10,000.
If your facility has been issued a Notice of Violation, lean on the professionals at Optima Environmental Services to get your facility back in order.
What is a Petroleum Bulk Storage Facility?
To maintain the welfare of our ecosystems and environment, the Department of Environmental Conservation continuously monitors Petroleum Bulk Storage facilities for compliance with NYSDEC regulations. A facility may be classified as a PBS facility when it houses:
One or more tank systems that are designed to store a combined capacity of more than 1,100 gallons or more of petroleum in aboveground and/or underground storage tanks; or
one or more underground tank systems that are designed to store 110 or more gallons of petroleum.